Today we are releasing the 2.1 update for DrumSpillage. The update brings native Apple Silicon support along with new features and performance improvements. To celebrate we are also running a 30% Winter Sale.
Apple Silicon
This is the first version of DrumSpillage compiled natively for Apple Silicon so it runs smoothly on the new range of Macs with M1, M2 and M3 processors. Rosetta 2 is no longer required!
New Presets
We’ve added hundreds of new kick, snare, clap and hi-hat presets especially for this release along with new kits and a completely re-tuned kit library for you to use straight away.
Improved Preset Browser
The kit and pad preset browsers are now much more flexible and allow for nested folder structures so you can organise your presets however you like. This is a huge improvement, especially for pad presets. You can still access kits and pads from anywhere on your system using the native OS dialogs.

There is also a new ‘Show Kit Library in Finder..’ option which opens the root kit folder in the Finder – great for when you want to re-organise your preset menus.
Audio Export
You can now export entire kits and individual pads to audio files (WAV and AIFF). This feature streamlines the process of getting sounds out of DrumSpillage and into your favourite plugin or hardware sampler. Supported bit depths are 24/16 bit and there’s even an 8 bit option for extra crunch!

Velocity Modulation
DrumSpillage 2 introduced velocity modulation for parameters. In 2.1 we’ve refined this process by adding a useful on/off toggle switch, V. Mod, so you can quickly hear the effect velocity is having on each sound.

Faster Kit Loading
Kit loading in Ableton Live took way too long and usually involved the spinning wheel pointer. What a drag. In 2.1 we’ve improved kit loading times. The original problem, we believe*, was caused by Live and appears to relate to MIDI control surface support. It’s not perfect yet but it’s a huge improvement.
*In our tests the recent Live update 11.3.2 also appears to help.
Performance Improvements and Bug Fixes
On top of the new features we’ve also been busy cleaning up a few outstanding issues and improving performance.
We are thrilled to have this plugin running well on the latest Macs again. We look forward to continuing the DrumSpillage journey!